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STREAM mit Untertitel…/Jazz-Album-der-Woche-Stream-feat-Billy…
STREAM is Jazz Album of the Week at „Jazz auf NDR Info“. Tune in at 22:05 (CET, today and tomorrow THU. Thanks to Michael Laages for the talk and for the great idea to have Johannes Enders comment on it – listen to what he has to say. Johannes played an important role in the process of how this recording came into existence, and I’m so glad he is finally well again!
The focus is on Billy Hart, who turns 80 on November 29th.
I feel extremely happy and thankful about the way this album turned out for a number of reasons I’ll elaborate about another time – you’ll know for yourself once you hear the music!
For now: Billy’s spirit and energy again take everything to the next level, and to watch him connect with Pablo Held and Sebastian Gille on their first meeting was and is pure joy, and it’s all in the music.

Pablo Held Sebastian Gille Joris Teepe Billy Hart ENJA RECORDS
Martina Weinmar Johannes Enders

About us

ENJA was founded in 1971 by Matthias Winckelmann and Horst Weber in Munich, Germany. They established the label with borrowed money, recorded a concert of Mal Waldron in Munich and sold the licenses to Japan. Early ENJA artists have been e.g. Albert Mangelsdorff and the Japanese trumpet player Terumasa Hino. The intention behind the label was to focus on modern European jazz music (ENJA stands for European New Jazz). But soon, they also offered a variety of international productions. The catalogue contained artists like John Scofield, Chet Baker, Freddie Hubbard, Dizzy Gillespie and Gene Ammons. In 1986 Matthias Winckelmann and Horst Weber decided to split and founded two separate labels ENJA Records Matthias Winckelmann and ENJA Records Horst Weber. Today, the ENJA catalogues are reunited. Whereas the former ENJA Horst Weber part and the new label YellowBird are lead by Werner Aldinger, Matthias Winckelmann administers ENJA Records M. Winckelmann.

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